Sentence Sermons

May 1

Many give no thought to their spiritual condition or date with judgement. Generations have come and gone without teaching the truth of Scripture to their families. But for you, today is the day to change that for your loved ones’ sake.

May 2

God has waited long for our return to Him and He is still waiting. Soon all who can be saved will be saved and time will have run its course. Then God will arise from His throne to declare, “Son, go get my children!”

May 3

Many have become infatuated with vice and indulgence of the forbidden, so much so that they have blocked their conscious from truth. The habit of sin is as binding for hell as the habit of faith is for Heaven.

May 4

Self-preservation is good, self-esteem is good, but a selfishness that regularly gives no thought to others in the little transactions of daily life will leave us unfit for Heaven.

May 5

Every church needs men and women who walk with God as Enoch did. Their influence will enrich the fellowship and lead the congregation to a higher standard if worldly leadership doesn’t suppress them.

May 6

It is the transformation of your character that witnesses to a changed life. You may claim religious adherence to days, diets, and disciplines but only the indwelling Spirit of God can bring about a new you.

May 7

It is not the most talented minister whose work with the masses produces the most lasting result. It is the parent, the friend, the coworker, whose personal and individual witness turns a single soul to behold the Lamb of God.

May 8

A man who stands before the King of Kings is undaunted by the kings of this world. No threat of punishment against righteousness can overpower or outlast the believer who is the friend of God.

May 9

Disease, deformities, desperation to escape through addictions, are part of the effects of sin on the human race that can take the best of us. Which is why intercessory prayer is needed from all of us.

May 10

When an enemy sees his imminent end, they become most aggressive and open in their last ditch effort. Likewise, Satan’s out in the open aggressiveness on the world stage, tells us he knows the return of Jesus Christ is near.

May 11

Christians can not afford to fill their minds with things that will weaken their power of thought, firmness of will, or knowledge of God’s Word, if they are to be truly waiting for their Lord’s return.

May 12

Every passing day leaves us one less to hug our spouse, to hold our children, to have the joy of being with family and friends. Which is why today is the day to be intentional about prayer with the God who will end all Goodbyes.

May 13

In our daily path of duty the Spirit of God will give grace sufficient for our need, especially as we stay in communion with our Lord. In the tasks that try our patience and abilities, God’s watchful eye is ready to help.

May 14

Genuine humility comes from a continuous learning at the school of Jesus with the Bible as the textbook. It is Christlikeness and it makes an impression that challenges the observer to want the same.

May 15

No man can gaze upon the cross of Christ without conviction of his own sin. Some respond with repentance and some react with resentment, but all must look upon the crucified Lord and choose.

May 16

Without an intentional turning to God in prayer the strongest of us can be beaten up by fear, worries, and anxiety. Life is given to us one day at a time, and prayer is how we live each day with God.

May 17

The worries of life are like a constantly fanned flame that seems to never go out. It is in turning to prayer, communing with God as you would with a friend, that we find strength to live our days.

May 18

The noise and distractions of our times will squeeze out our spiritual life. The answer is not always in avoidance, but in embracing periods of silence so we can listen to God speak.

May 19

The world is trying to recruit us to side with its emotional zealousness. We can not serve two masters. Christian zeal is characterized by humility and moral principles not by vanity and flagrant insensibilities.

May 20

The world will use all in its power to to make of none effect the word of God. Man can not change truth into a lie and a lie into truth. Threats to silence truth serve only to magnify the Bible as earth’s only standard of common sense.

May 21

Our world needs to see biblical Christianity manifested through our humanity. It needs us to prove God true, to show the lost that through His grace we can change, we can obey, we can have life eternal.

May 22

The church, through every man and women, is a channel through which God communicates to the world. We define God’s grace in our trials and we show God’s power in our changed lives.

May 23

God’s church is not made by the grandeur of a beautiful edifice, but by a people called out from their slavery to sin to the freedom of forgiveness in His Son Jesus Christ.

May 24

Our finite mind can not possibly comprehend God, but His infinite mind knows what’s best for us. We can trust in Him to lead us in every forward step and in every backward falter.

May 25

We are mortal with no method of defense against the malice of Satan, except as we stay close to the Savior’s side. We have His constant watchcare and the guard of His protecting angels.

May 26

The Bible is plain to the one who studies it with a prayerful heart. We are to approach it as God’s word to us, not to merely prove a preconceived idea. It is given for God to inform us, not for us to inform God.

May 27

Bible prophecy warns that godless rulers will forsake their people and oversee their persecution. But the God-Ruler will not forsake His people and He will oversee their deliverance.

May 28

The Bible is plain to the one who studies it with a prayerful heart. We are to approach it as God’s word, not to prove a preconceived idea. It is given for God to inform us, not for us to inform God.

May 29

When God’s Word is rejected, there is no restraint against the depth of one’s depravity. The result is a callus heart and an open mouth that foolishly declares evil as good.

May 30

Speculative theories and opinions about God’s Word are meaningless without the support of it’s written text. Compare verse with verse before assuming an interpretation is truth.

May 31

Many err when they falsely assume that the mysterious of life is reason to abandon faith. But God does not confide all things with mortal man because we are incapable of comprehending.


Sentence Sermons

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