Stay in Your Lane
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” — Isaiah 55:8–9 NIV
I am a chaplain in healthcare, but that doesn’t mean I know medical things like a physician or a registered nurse. My role is providing spiritual care and that means support for helping patients cope with progressive illnesses and the stress of facing end of life decisions. If I don’t stay in my lane I could really cause some upsetting conflict because I am not educated or trained in medical things or disease conditions.
In the same way that we must honor professional roles, we must honor God’s role in our day to day lives. We may be created in God’s image, but that doesn’t put us on equal footing with Him. We are His creation not His co-creator.
God is immortal, but we are mortal. God is omnipotent, but we are weak. God is omniscient, but we are limited in our ability to understand. God is omnipresent, but we are confined by space and time. Yet, God is near to us in our day by day activities so we may call upon Him for help.