Featured Articles

Most of my postings in recent weeks have been in the topical category of Biblical Reflections but below are 22 featured posts primarily from the Bereavement Care category.

» Waiting to Die  (October 4, 2024) How should we count down our days when we have been given a bad prognosis? If the physician tells you that there isn’t anything that can be done to bring a cure…

» Making Peace  (June 28, 2024) Few of us have actually set out to live our lives as pirates, obsessively searching for rum and treasure while giving no regard for contributing to society…

» The Neuroscience of Grieving  (April 21, 2024) Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and university professor at the Stanford School of Medicine who offers YouTube videos and…

» Death Anxiety and Caregivers  (April 4, 2024) I want to address “death anxiety” and caregivers. In particular, I wish to give you some tips for handling this anxiety when it rises…

» Don’t Die with a Full Heart (March 15, 2024) Dave was a childhood friend who I knew from elementary school and the local baseball league. We weren’t particularly close friends…

» Dying, Death, and Beyond  (February 15, 2024) I recently watched a documentary that followed a grief counselor as he gave advice and counsel to people and families facing death…

» Don’t Lose Your Peace  (January 25, 2024) Years ago I worked with a chaplain who would frequently tell me, “Don’t lose your peace.” This chaplain was an Irish Catholic nun who had…

» Appointed Time to Die?  (January 8, 2024) Most of us have heard it said, “When it’s your turn to go, it’s your turn to go” or “When your number comes up, there’s nothing you can do about…

» Life’s Standard of Truth  (January 3, 2024) There was a time in my life, shortly after my auto accident miracle and conversion that I relate in my Personal Testimony, when I asked...

» Heaven Is Not For Everyone (November 13, 2023) As a hospital chaplain I am frequently around families at the bedside of their dying loved one. When they die, it is very common…

» Ways to Say Goodbye (October 22, 2023) I watched an elderly gentleman struggling with saying goodbye to his older dying sister. It was obvious that he felt awkward and was…

» Advance Directives for Medical Care (October 6, 2023) An advance directive for medical care is how we make our wishes known to our family and healthcare providers if we…

» Why Do Bad Things Happen?  (September 28, 2023) When a loved one lays unconscious and dependent on a machine to breathe or a simple drive to the grocery store is interrupted…

» Hope Beyond Their Death (August 19, 2023) The immediate shock and despair of a loved one’s passing can leave us feeling hopeless about the future. No matter how much we may…

» CPR, DNR, and Letting Go  (August 17, 2023) It is a very emotionally difficult position to be in when a physician asks the family if they want them to do all they can to keep your loved… 

» Hospital Etiquette for Pastors (August 4, 2023) If you are a church pastor or a church lay person who has taken up the assignment of visiting church members during their hospital…

» Scripture for Hospital Visitation (August 3, 2023) For me, there is nothing more important in conducting a hospital visit with a patient than sharing an appropriate verse of Scripture

» When Your World Shatters (July 21, 2023) As a chaplain at a trauma hospital just miles from the beaches of the upper Gulf Coast, I frequently deal with patients and families who…

» When Someone is Dying  (June 16, 2023) There are signs of dying when a loved-one is struggling with a terminal disease or for whatever reason is at the end of their life. People don’t die in…

» Objectives & Strategies for Grieving  (May 13, 2023) In the process of grieving, there is no time frame assigned or one-size fits all approach to assure a healthy grieving process. There are…

» Stages of Grief (May 11, 2023) In her 1969 book, “On Death and Dying,” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a Swiss American psychiatrist, introduced us to what we now know as five stages of grief…

» Types of Grief (May 10, 2023) Previously I shared a post on Styles of Grief but here I want to share a post on Types of Grief. I’m taking my lead from several sources that have referenced…

» Styles of Grief (May 9, 2023) Sitting with families who are hearing the bad news of a loved-ones death is a near daily occurrence for me, as a hospital chaplain at a trauma center. Since…