Ministry Notes
Articles on best practices for chaplains, pastoral care, and leadership for simpler expressions of church communities.
- Helping Others Make Sense of Traumatic Events
- Funeral Sermon
- Graveside Ceremony Helps
- The Hospice Chaplain
- Hospital Chaplain to Hospice Chaplain
- 8 Scriptures to Know for Pastoral Hospital Visits
- A Simpler Spiritual Assessment
- A Pastor is a Shepherd
- Hospital Etiquette for Pastors
- Scripture for Hospital Visitation
- Spiritual Crisis
- Theology of Pastoral Ministry
- Spiritual Self-Care?
- Church Purposes & Governing Values
- Pandemic, Western Church, & Simpler Community
- Keep About Your Work
- When Organic Church Goes Bad
- NIV, ESV, and Translations
- Dear Small Church Pastor
- The Lord Among the Churches
- Not Returning to Church After COVID-19?
- No Official Church Membership?
- Will COVID-19 Change American Church?
- The Post-Coronavirus Church
- Organic Pastor in Simple Church
- 12 Statements of Advice to a New Pastor
- Advice to a Church Planter on a Theology of Pastoral Ministry
- Why Not to Start a House Church
- Sport Fans vs Church Fans
- We Are Church
- More on Today’s Church
- Simple Church Communities
- Pull or Push Leadership?
- A Definite Aim
- 10 Qualities of Leadership
- Why “No Pastor” in House Church?
- Professional Pastor?
- CSB, ESV, and Translations
- Ministers: 3rd Tier Rowers
- Links to Simple Church
- Smaller is Bigger
- Starting A House Church
- Being the Church
- American Church
- Small Church Uniqueness
- Pastoral Calling
- Critics of Church Styles
- Organic Pastor?