March 1
Best Choices
“Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked.” Psalm 37:16
The best choices in life are not to be defined by the majority, popularity, or prosperity, but by the Bible. If we filter every decision we face through the lens of the teachings and principles of Scripture than we act with the promises of God to lead, sustain, and guide our steps. Our joy is not dependent on circumstances, but in our faith in Christ.
We may lack the latest gadgets, the best furniture, the spacious house, or the newest car. We may be in deep debt or dire straits, but we can choose contentment in the riches that are ours in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let’s pray today to be content with our life and to keep our faith fixed on Jesus Christ.
March 2
Christian Failure
“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalm 37:23-24
Don’t equate failure in the Christian life with losing your salvation because you didn’t earn it in the first place. You may fall flat on your face, but just don’t stay there. Get up and grow forward. Stay in fellowship with your Lord Jesus and others who are also seeking to live a life in the grace of Christ, just remember that the next time you are down look up to your Savior and He will lend you His hand.
Don’t dwell on not stumbling, but firmly walking with the Lord. If all we think about, talk about, and worry about is keeping from failure we will surely and repeatedly fail. Instead, delight in the Lord’s grace and walk one step at a time.
Let’s pray today that we will not give up on ourselves because our Lord has not given up on us.
March 3
Remembering God’s Leading
“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” Psalm 37:25
We often forget the way our Lord has led us in the past but in remembering we strengthen our faithfulness. The advantage of aging is to be able to look back and recall the times we thought it was over for us, but yet years later we are sitting in review of God’s leading. All that we’ve worried about, the things that once consumed us, now lie in the dust of the past.
Next time we find ourselves worried about making ends meet, it will do our faith good to do a quick survey of the Lord’s leading in our past. Then realize that just as He brought us through past tough times He will do it again.
Let’s pray today that we may praise our Lord for walking with us throughout our life and into our future, too.
March 4
Thinking on Scripture
“The law of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip.” Psalm 37:31
The human mind is going to consider doubts, but don’t harbor them, instead think on God’s Word. When we meditate, contemplate, study upon the verses, chapters, and stories of the Bible we are filling our hearts and minds with such righteousness that wickedness will have no foothold. Thinking on Scripture will transform our mind and our walk of life will be led by the word of God.
Keeping our thoughts off of self and on the Scriptures is how we should fill our hearts. Just as a constant diet of nutritious food, day in and day out, builds a healthy body, so does a constant diet of God’s Word, build a healthy way of life.
Let’s pray today to be faithful in placing the words of God in our thoughts, daily.
March 5
The God Physician
“The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” Psalm 41:3
The Lord is as a physician investing knowledge and care into the ill condition of the one in need. Not only is Jesus God with all wisdom of what’s best for us, but He is all compassionate because He has been where we are in humanity and is fully aware of the pains and limitations that have consumed mankind through Adam’s fall. As Jesus healed on earth, so He still does and yet will do.
Physicians are a blessing and although they do the best with their medical knowledge and experience with the symptoms, it was the Great Physician who called Lazarus from the grave and gave life to death.
Let’s pray today for the Lord’s will in our healing, knowing that ultimate restoration comes in Heaven.
March 6
God’s Attention
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
There is no waiting to get God’s attention because He is present and aware of your situation and sorrows. God is your run-to place when troubles overwhelm and He is the very go-to source for the strength you need to cope. Don’t wonder too long why the God who created all things seems silent, but know He is present with a purpose and a way of escape.
Troubling times may leave us weak and even paralyzed with indecision, but our initial reaction to any woe should be to turn to the Lord for strength. As we seek solace in Him we’ll have His attentive help and we’ll have hope again.
Let’s pray today that we remain thoughtful of our Lord’s closeness and compassion to our circumstances.
March 7
Our Greatest Testimony
“Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:14-15
We often find our greatest witness out of our greatest troubles because that’s our greatest testimony. Whatever the Lord has brought you from or kept you from is the very story that needs to be heard by others who in similar circumstances need to know that Jesus Christ will deliver them just as He delivered you. You have a testimony of Christ’s deliverance and someone needs to hear it.
Our greatest testimony of God’s mercy toward us is not always in a situation improved but sometimes it is our witness in a journey of sorrows. Thankfully, our God is a God of deliverance and that is the reason we call upon Him.
Let’s pray today that we may have opportunity to honor God as our deliverer.
March 8
Our Sinful Heart
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
The intent of our heart is not holy and prone to do evil, which is why we all need the Spirit of God. We can mean well, we can strive to do well, but the truth is that if left to our own base human desires we will find a way to do wrong. Sinful human nature must be countered with the influence and power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and God’s word.
When you seek the forgiveness of the Lord for whatever sin you may slip on, don’t neglect to ask Him to recreate within you a new heart with a renewed passion to steadfastly walk by faith. That is a prayer the Lord loves to answer.
Let’s pray today that we may not neglect guarding our motive and thoughts with the word of God.
March 9
Prayer of Restoration
“Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:11-12
The prayer of the saved is not one of redemption from lostness, but one of restoration to joy in His Spirit. Like a child we can only be birthed once, but maturity is a work of a lifetime, from childhood to old age. When we sin we pray for forgiveness, when we fall we pray for strength to stand up, and we often pray for restoration in our Savior’s joy.
There is a sense of joyfulness in being in harmony with Christ and there is an absence of nagging guilt when we are right with the Lord. Which is why we pray for a willingness to follow the Lord and trust in His power to sustain us.
Let’s pray today that when our faith fades we will run to Christ for restoration of fellowship with Him.
March 10
Future in Jesus
“You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.” Psalm 91:5-6
Keep your heart and mind set on the promises of God and stop feeding your fear with troubles that are not yet. You know that Jesus saved you on Calvary’s cross, that God loves you, and the prophecies of Scripture promise the Lord’s return and your eternal life in Heaven. Evil may harm you, but it can not hold you, because your future is with Jesus Christ.
Revelation assures us that the final seven plaques will not strike against those who follow the Lord, just as in Egypt they didn’t fall on God’s people, so even as we think of the end of all things we have no reason to fear.
Let’s pray today that we may turn our apprehension over to our Lord in faith.
March 11
Love for God
“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.” Psalm 91:14
God does not deliver us from evil because we are righteous in keeping His commandments, but because we abide in His love. We do not disregard His commandments, but we rightly understand them in the biblical plan of redemption and in their fulfillment in the life of Jesus Christ. God is not obligated to us because of what we do, but because of who He is.
We are rescued from our trying predicaments because we are faithful to accept and follow in His love, as children of God. We are protected because He is our Heavenly Father and we love Him because of the grace He has bestowed upon us.
Let’s pray today that we may focus our worship on God’s love for us and ours for Him.
March 12
Our God Hears
“He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” Psalm 91:15
In loneliness we cry out but no one is there or in our sorrow no one cares, but not true with our God. People may not be there for you, but your Lord is. Family may not help you, but your God will. Friends may forsake you, but your Savior is closer than any friend can ever be. The Lord God who rules the universe is more attentive to His children than any new mother could ever be.
When the Lord answers our prayer, when He is with us in our troubles, when He delivers us from evil, He is honoring His righteous character. The Lord shows Himself faithful to His own word when He hears His children call on Him.
Let’s pray today that we may never doubt our Lord’s readiness and willingness to answer our prayers.
March 13
Sins to Calvary
“as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103:12
In faith, we leave our sins at Calvary and that is where they get carried to the grave with Christ. When you struggle with sin, take it to the Lord Jesus Christ through prayer in faith and believe that your sin is removed far from you, because it has been left in the tomb where your Lord arose. Believe, not because you feel so but because you know so by the word of God.
It is in keeping these promises of forgiveness before our thoughts and heart that we strengthen the cords of faith in Christ. We are not to rehearse the sins that burden us but we are to meditate upon the promises of the Lord that He has removed them from us.
Let’s pray today that when we sin, or find ourselves struggling with sin, that we take it straight to Calvary.
March 14
Reward of Heaven
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.” Psalm 116:15
God does not cause evil to happen, but it doesn’t happen without us being better off than if it didn’t. Nothing happens without God’s knowledge, but that doesn’t mean He causes it. Even when death steals life from our loved ones, it doesn’t happen unless the Lord God allows for a greater reward and an everlasting benefit to all involved. Our loss on earth is our reward in Heaven.
When you consider that we will spend more time in Heaven than we have on earth, and death is merely the conclusion of this mortal span of years, waking up to immortality in the resurrection to forever be with our loved ones will be worth it all.
Let’s pray today that we may live as a people whose permanent home is in Heaven, not earth.
March 15
Man’s Opinions
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Only the clear word of the Bible can stand the test of time against man’s opinions when it comes to our journey to Heaven. Please do not assume that a religious tradition, liturgical practice, or popular social cause is the path toward eternal life. God’s Word is the light for the darkness that hides the dangers meant to trip us up in our walk with the Lord.
We may hear an array of voices speak on spiritual matters, but our only safeguard is to listen to God’s Word. When we set our allegiance on the simple promises of Scripture, not on man’s opinions, we will have a sure path to build our faith on.
Let’s pray today to always uphold the word of God as our standard and foundation of faith.
March 16
Stop Stumbling
“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165
If we keep the Prince of Peace center in our life we’ll have an anchor to keep us from getting carried away. The Enemy of Souls doesn’t care how we stumble in our Christian faith, he just seeks to trip us up in hopes that we will turn back from following the Lord Jesus. It is by prayer and the study of Scripture that we remain unfretted in a lawless world.
As we understand God’s Decalogue and its guiding value to our walk with the Lord today, we can live our lives without stumbling over every offense Satan throws at us. With eyes and heart’s fixed on Jesus we can confidently move forward by faith.
Let’s pray today that we may keep our heart and mind on the life and word of Jesus Christ.
March 17
In the World
“the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:8
The salvation of the Lord goes with you wherever you go, whether you are in a church sanctuary or in the world. You are not anymore saved being in a Christian environment than you are being in a secular workplace. We may feel more comfortable in conducive environments where our faith is not challenged, but our witness is greater in the world.
The Spirit of God does not abandon you to wait outside while you enter a workplace, a sports arena, or even an immoral establishment. God’s watchful eye is always on His saints and they are never without His presence.
Let’s pray today that we go through the world in full confidence of our Lord’s power to keep us close to Him.
March 18
Grief to Joy
“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.” Psalm 126:5
Tears seem uncontrollable in a season of grief, but God remembers every tear we shed. Life on earth offers plenty of sorrows and many opportunities to cry, but it is during these times that we can take heart that our Lord comforts us in loneliness. God longs for the day when we will be far removed from weeping, when our sadness will turn to joy.
We can’t always see beyond our tears, or find hope beyond our hurt, but it is these times that we must lean on God through faith. The promise is sure and the day will come when we will forever trade our tearfulness for joyfulness.
Let’s pray today that we may find comfort in our Lord’s presence and long for Heaven’s joy.
March 19
Lasting Vindication
“The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.” Psalm 138:8
The timing of our God is not always our timing, but His timing is always perfect and enduring. We may wonder if we’ll ever be vindicated against lies and heartaches perpetuated against us or if the truth on a matter will be made known and acknowledged by those who doubt us but take heart that the Lord is still at work.
The Lord’s wisdom is usually the reason for our waiting, even though we easily get restless and long for the end of our troubles. God’s love for us does not wane while we wait and His redemption is not hindered by the timing.
Let’s pray today to trust in the timing and wisdom of the Lord in making all things right.
March 20
Search for Safety
“but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.” Proverbs 1:33
The Bible believing Christian is not surprised by the signs of our times, nor are they dismayed by society’s sudden decline into sinful acceptance. We have listened to the Lord and we are content with faith in His promises. We watch the events unfold like leaves falling in due season and we find peace because our Father God wants us home, safe and secure.
In times of fear, uncertainty, or disaster we have the privilege to seek out those who are searching for hope and escape from harm’s way. Pray for them and if we can, wrap the love of God around them.
Let’s pray today that we may live in the safety of the Lord’s love so we may share it with others.
March 21
Trust in the Lord
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
We are sinful humans so let’s not trust in our own intelligence to figure out divine things, let’s trust in the Lord. Our hearts are wicked and bent toward sin, which is why we must trust in the word of God as the only standard of truth. We cannot rely on a convincing argument or the majority opinion to determine what is right and what is wrong — we can only trust in the clear word of the Lord.
We acknowledge God and submit to His all-knowing eternal wisdom by not trusting in our own feelings when what we think is contrary to God’s Word. Feelings are like a caboose on a train, they are not required but the engine is.
Let’s pray today that we will make trusting in the Lord our daily habit in all areas of life.
March 22
Honor the Provider
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” Proverbs 3:9
We choose to honor the Lord or to disrespect the Lord by how we receive and use what He provides. All wealth, gain, talent, abilities, and skills are from the Lord God and by returning a portion to Him through a dedicated Kingdom use, we acknowledge Him as our Provider. We receive what He gives in thanksgiving and express our gratitude in order to give glory to Him.
Everything we have is because of God’s mercy and our attitude toward Him should reflect that in our appreciation for what we have. Every relationship, the shelter above our heads, the food on the family table, and the work of our hands is by God’s mercy.
Let’s pray today that we may give glory to our Lord by returning a portion of what comes from Him to His work.
March 23
Fear for Tomorrow
“Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.” Proverbs 3:25-26
Evil may be ready to ruin your plans but don’t let it threaten your future before it even strikes. Life has enough things to cause us to worry and we often start bending our thoughts toward worse case scenarios. Resist adding to your what-if list with troubles that haven’t materialized yet, when you have the promise of the Lord to be by your side.
Do not fear for disasters or any circumstance that can harm when you can turn your eyes of faith on the Lord. When our heart and mind is fixed on Jesus we will find it more difficult to trip on fear or be snared by anxiety.
Let’s pray today to find comfort in our Lord’s presence, despite what the future holds.
March 24
Dark Times
“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Proverbs 4:18
We live in dark times and men’s hearts are overcast with thick clouds of sin, but in Jesus we have light. In Jesus we have light that dispels the darkness. We know truth from error because we have the light of God’s Word. When we are guided by the clear discernment of Scripture, we are not easily fooled by the angry emotional arguments of the godless.
Our guide is the light that shines from Calvary. The light of our Lord’s righteousness and by that we are transformed from understanding to wisdom, from sinners to forgiven followers. In that light we become as dependable as the daily rising of the sun.
Let’s pray today that we may find clarity in these dark times by staying in the light of Calvary.
March 25
Snare of Sin
“The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast.” Proverbs 5:22
The effects of sinfulness are not always obvious immediately and that is its ultimate snare. Sinning becomes a habit that grows stronger and bolder until it eventually manifests itself out in the open unashamed. You can’t hide sin or suppress its guilt for too long, but you can replace it with repentance and forgiveness at the foot of Calvary.
Unless an unwanted sinful habit is halted by a traumatic event, it can only be replaced by a habit of faith that involves strengthening your relationship with the Lord. Meditate on the promises of God’s Word and dwell on His grace.
Let’s pray today that we may seek forgiveness for every sin in our life at Calvary’s cross.
March 26
God Loves You
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” Proverbs 8:17
God loves you, but He does not force you to love Him, rather as we see His love we are drawn to seek His love. We are not programmed as robots without any free will choice in our love. He loves us because He is Love, and it is in that loving expression of grace and forgiveness that we seek Him and find His open arms.
God promises to reciprocate your love for Him. We are not forced to jump through hoops in order to get God’s attention or to win His favor as man often requires of relationships. God loves you and is waiting for you to acknowledge that and find Him.
Let’s pray today to be quick to welcome His open arms of love through grace and forgiveness.
March 27
Glorify God
“A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.” Proverbs 11:13
The evidence of wisdom is not in what we say to glorify self, but in what we don’t say to glorify our God. When we live Spirit-led lives, we filter our thoughts through our relationship with Jesus Christ, rather than through our own ambitions. We become more concerned about being trustworthy before God, not impressive before people.
We should want to be someone others can trust and depend on, especially when another entrusts us with knowledge of their silent struggles. What a witness we can give in glorifying God in valuing another’s trust and relationship.
Let’s pray today to be faithful to our Lord and not be so quick to share another’s confided shame.
March 28
Getting in Giving
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
It’s impossible to help another without helping yourself because in giving there is receiving. We often receive a blessing in our efforts to bless another, though that wasn’t our intention. When we contribute our resources, time, and energy for the well-being of another there is a healthy sense of well-being that is transferred to ourselves.
We have the example of Christ Jesus to follow, just as He had peace in doing for others by setting His own needs aside, so can we. Our motive can’t be to be recognized or awarded, but to give as Jesus did.
Let’s pray today for a willing heart to help others as we are capable, knowing that we do that unto our Lord.
March 29
Speak Honestly
“Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.” Proverbs 12:19
It’s easier to speak honestly and avoid inflated views of ourselves when we know we have eternal life. Having an eternal perspective to the temporal things of earth gives us courage to stay faithful to God in our communication, our behavior, and in the words we use. As saints of the Most High we have reason to respond honestly.
Those without regard of God may resort to lying manipulation in hopes of an immediate gain, but they are merely assuring their own demise. Those who walk with the Lord are mindful of His saving grace and are assuring their eternal life.
Let’s pray today that we may speak truth in honest and considerate ways to encourage others.
March 30
Honesty With Self
“The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” Proverbs 12:22
One tells a lie because they are unwilling to be honest with themselves, and will not be honest with others. You can not expect loyalty from a liar, for they are not even loyal to themselves, and certainly unfaithful to the Lord God. Without repentance and the blood of Christ, a liar will not see Heaven because an untrustworthy person risks disharmony among the saints.
Christ’s followers will not spend eternity with evil people, which is why the judgement is as much for the saved as for the unsaved. The same books of record that offer proof of faith in Christ’s righteousness, will show evidence of denial of Christ’s grace.
Let’s pray today for forgiveness from lies and untruths and let’s be faithful to claiming the grace of Calvary.
March 31
Backslidden Heart
“The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways, and the good rewarded for theirs.” Proverbs 14:14
Remain involved in Christian fellowship and you will reap the benefits of Christian association. If you hang out with criminals it won’t be long until your opinion of crime softens. You may struggle with perfect attendance or conflicts with schedule, but guard your heart against disloyalty toward the bride of Christ.
Be the church wherever you are, but don’t backslide in your heart by ceasing to gather together with others who desire to grow in grace and in His Word. We will all reap from where we’ve sown so invest in the things of God if that’s what you wish to reap.
Let’s pray today that we would persevere in our loyalty to the fellowship of Christ.
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Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.