Grief to Joy
“Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.” — John 16:20 NIV
The things that excite this world are not the same as what inspires a follower of Jesus Christ. The world may celebrate immorality, knowingly promote a lie, and applaud when truth is shut down in the public square. What the world values the citizens of Heaven grieves. The world parties like there is no tomorrow, but the Christian lives like tomorrow is all we got because it is. We are in the world but we are not of the world. So we face each heartache knowing it can’t last forever because the Lord’s plan of redemption is in motion and approaching its climax of deliverance.
The reversal of our temporal grief into eternal joy is not as far off as it may feel it is. Think how fast the time flew by from youth to adulthood. Just know that the day is coming when Jesus returns and regains His creation and the eternal rule of the new world will be just and true.
In our eternal home there will be no sorrows, no pain, no lies, no distrust, no back stabbing, no fake friendships, no pretending for personal gain, no changing of one’s mind, no disloyal relationships, no injustice and no unrighteousness.