Grief Support Group

The hospice organization I work for as a chaplain, Springhill Home Health and Hospice, is hosting two Grief Support Groups in Baldwin County that I have the honor of facilitating. One is in Foley, Alabama at the Foley Senior Center and the other one is in Fairhope, Alabama at The James P. Nix Center.

Groups are open to the public and simple open forum laid-back gatherings for those touched by the death of a loved one who may be looking for ways to cope better. This is not a curriculum lecture structured group, but more of an organic fellowship style gathering with coffee and helpful handouts.

This is an opportunity to meet others on a grieving journey and be able to share experiences and coping strategies. We will address common roadblocks of unhealthy grief and practical ways for healthy grieving, while answering your individualized questions. There is no pressure and no obligation. You can participate as much or as little as you may wish, no one will be singled out to talk or asked to say anything they don’t want.


Foley, Alabama

1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month | 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Meets at the Foley Senior Center


Fairhope, Alabama

2nd Tuesdays of the month | 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

[No meeting on March 11]

Meets at The James P. Nix Center


Please contact me for any questions you may have.



Grief Support Helps