Healing Words
“The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” — Proverbs 12:18 NIV
You have likely heard the old adage: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. I doubt that adage is completely truthful because as I think back to my childhood, I can’t really remember all the playground fights I engaged in but I still remember certain words used against me. Words hurled at me with the intention to hurt me.
As the Psalmist says words can “pierce like swords” and we all know what that means. How many of us have been in circumstances with others where we scrambled to come up with the right come back, the right words that would “pierce like swords.” Most of us have had the experience of reflecting back on an uncomfortable conversation that had us thinking, Man I wish I would have said “this or that.” That would have shut them down.
However, let’s not give in to our lower natures but let’s use our words wisely so they bring about encouragement and healing for others. Too many people go through their day hearing no sincere compliments or affirmations, at work or at home. If you really want to touch a person’s life for the better, offer them healing words.