More on Today’s Church
A few weeks ago I posted on 2 Corinthians & God’s Word and got into a bit of a rant on my observations on the waywardness of today’s church with a trend away from preaching from the Bible. You can read about that at
Sunday I shared about a comment in our pastors’ Facebook Group from a new minister who attended his first city ministerial association meeting made up of pastors from various churches and denominations. He asked the group if swearing and crude language was normal for ministers in our cities, too?
Yesterday I read about a church in Texas that is using celebrity wrestlers for a series of sermons in hopes that it will attract those who otherwise won’t come to their church.
Today, I drive by this billboard (posted below) advertising a local church that seems to rely on some type of shock factor to attract passer-by’s to their sermon series.
I realize that both churches would appeal to their evangelistic intentions as reasoning for their methods, and I am not objectionable to non-traditional methods to reach souls, but isn’t the old adage still true “What we win others with is what we win them too”?
If a church rely’s on entertainment, celebrities, or proverbial shock to attract and keep people in their church, wouldn’t require bigger named celebrities and longer pushes of the envelope to keep that crowd coming back week after week?
The question I am asking myself is, If we can’t attract dying men with the simple hope of Calvary and the promises of Scripture, is it worth attracted them?
I am one who still believes what Jesus said in John 12:32 when He was quoted as saying “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
If you can’t see the billboard, it reads “GET YOUR SHIP TOGETHER” with an obvious corrected slang for the word dung that has the letter “P” in handwritten font covering the letter “T”. In the picture of the billboard, I blacked out the name of the church.