Spiritual Crisis
A spiritual crisis is when tragedy strikes, or a traumatic event occurs, or circumstances weigh so heavily on your heart that you turn toward God and realize you’re disconnected from Him.
The crisis becomes that you need God but you’re not sure He is there or you’re not sure how to receive His help or intervention. The crisis is that you have no spiritual reservoir to draw from. Your spiritual bank account is empty or maybe even overdrawn. As a result, the tragedy or trauma or situation is magnified and relief from the sorrow isn’t coming.
This is something that I deal with daily at the hospital as a chaplain. I help people navigate through their loved-one or their own overwhelming circumstances. Spiritual wellness is the ideal condition for all of us, so when the bottom falls out, we have a foundation of faith to help and sustain us.
We pay for auto insurance before the accident occurs, we have fire insurance before our house burns, and we get life insurance before we die. It’s a principle that ought to apply to our spiritual well-being, too. It is best to build a spiritual foundation before a spiritual crisis strains our hope and steals our contentment.
So what does a spiritual crisis look like? It looks like the video of Jelly Roll’s song “Need a Favor.” Give it a view at YouTube.