Sentence Sermons

April 1

There is no such thing as a perfect Christian because we can never exhaust the depth of knowledge of God nor the heights of God’s love for us.

April 2

Sin has corrupted man’s being, it has perverted the mind, and degraded the faculties of our Eden state. We need the divine energy of the Holy Spirit for strength to stand firm against the influence of this age.

April 3

The signs foretold in Bible prophecy are fast fulfilling around us. Don’t fear or ignore these incremental movements toward the Day of Lord, but watch and pray so your heart won’t be diverted from eternity.

April 4

There will be an individual judging of each man’s right to an eternity in Heaven, based on our living faith and acceptance of Jesus as Savior. We will not be saved by groups or membership.

April 5

It is an amazing thing that a holy righteous God actually wants unholy unrighteous mortals to bring our requests directly to Him through prayer.

April 6

The Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts to purify our ways. Carelessness in manners, callousness toward others, and coarseness in conversations will fall by the wayside.

April 7

Don’t fret over other’s stance on the rapture and tribulation. All believers are subject to Satan’s persecution. God’s wrath, regardless of timing, is only for the unbelievers.

April 8

The Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts to purify our motives. Carelessness in manners, callousness toward others, and coarseness in conversations will fall by the wayside.

April 9

It is an amazing thing that a holy righteous God actually wants unholy unrighteous mortals to bring our requests to Him through prayer.

April 10

There is no such thing as a perfect Christian because we can never exhaust the depth of knowledge of God nor the heights of God’s love for us.

April 11

Sin has corrupted man’s being, it has perverted the mind, and degraded the faculties of our Eden state. We need the divine energy of the Holy Spirit for strength to stand firm against the influence of this age.

April 12

The signs foretold in Bible prophecy are fast fulfilling around us. Don’t fear or ignore these incremental movements toward the Day of Lord, but watch and pray so your heart won’t be diverted from eternity.

April 13

There will be an individual judging of each man’s right to an eternity in Heaven, based on our living faith and acceptance of Jesus as Savior. We will not be saved by groups or membership.

April 14

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would bring Scripture to your remembrance when times get tough. So store God’s word in your heart now so you have it to draw from then.

April 15

We walk with the protection of heavenly angels when we walk with our Lord through the garden of life. The enemy of our soul is helpless against our close daily relationship with Jesus Christ.

April 16

False doctrine is often slightly off from truth, but it can not persuade the one with a thorough knowledge of the Bible. If we are to discern truth from error we must be students of God’s word.

April 17

It is possible to be a partial follower of Christ, half-hearted in belief, maybe even fully committed to a church office but short of the new birth required for Heaven. Pray for unwavering faith so that is not you.

April 18

Prayerfulness is keeping our mind upon God as we go about our day. It’s being intentional in recognizing His leading in the details, little blessings, as well as reminders of our continual need for the Savior.

April 19

Jesus, the Creator of man, was humiliated, beaten, tortured, and killed by those whom He gave life. He refrained from revenge, retaliation, and ending that pain so we can have eternity with Him.

April 20

Let’s not slight the sacrifice of our Savior. Jesus died a cruel and agonizing death so we could live a glorious heavenly life. Be appreciative of that and stop doubting the forgiveness of your sins.

April 21

Please don’t be indifferent to your Christian life or careless with your influence upon others. Many souls are looking for an authentic Christ follower as evidence that the religion of the Bible is true.

April 22

If you are right with God, you are ready for Him to return. If you live each day in close contact with Him, in constant communion with Him, in harmony with His word, you are ready for eternity with Him.

April 23

If we can stir up a man’s mind to be awaken to fix his eyes upon Jesus and Him crucified, we can step aside and allow the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to their heart.

April 24

When we have a deep appreciation for the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, no longer can we remain indifferent to souls perishing around us. Other interests become subordinate to the work of winning souls.

April 25

Calamity and suffering is permitted into our lives to remove selfishness from our character. Satan intends them to destroy us, but God uses them to develop in us the attributes of His character – compassion, mercy, and unconditional love.

April 26

The greatest treasure parents can give their children is the influence of Christ-likeness. When Mom and Dad model tenderness, patience, and justice in the home, their children learn to love the God of their parents.

April 27

When we speak a verse of Scripture  to comfort a friend, bring truth to one inquiring, or assure a wavering soul, we can be confident that we are sowing the words of life that will spring up and bear fruit.

April 28

To share our faith is to talk from our heart, not making use of formal arguments or set phrases, but sharing the hope that we have. Even admitting to being in the process of growth is more powerful than claiming to understand it all.

April 29

So you are not the perfect example of a Christ follower – who is? We don’t follow Jesus as Lord because we are where we need to be, we follow Jesus as Lord because He is where we need to be.

April 30

Being a witness for Christ is to point others to Him in word and deed. The aim is to carry their minds to consider Christ crucified. If we can say as did John the Baptist, look toward the Sin Bearer, the Spirit of God will take it from there.


Sentence Sermons

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