Sentence Sermons

March 1

To pray continually is to have an intense sense of dependence on God. Praying continually is to pursue God more intentionally than a drowning man gasping for air.

March 2

The answers you seek from prayer are not in your asking but in the promises of God’s Word. If God has promised it He is able to perform it, to deliver it, to give it.

March 3

The answers you seek from prayer are not in your asking but in the promises of God’s Word. If God has promised it He is able to perform it, to deliver it, to give it.

March 4

There is a science to prayer, not as in a magical formula to follow, but as in faith in the promises of the Bible is the condition in which prayer is answered.

March 5

Prayer and faith are either side of the same coin. Faith is exercised through prayer and prayer is realized through faith. The substance of prayer and faith is the promises of God.

March 6

Time in prayer with our Heavenly Father is how we make progress in the sanctified life. Formal prayer on our knees, impromptu prayer as we go about our daily tasks, attitudinal prayer that meditates on God’s promises.

March 7

We must live one day at a time. Tomorrow may have our hopes and dreams but today needs our heart and mind, our resolve and persevering focus on Jesus our Sin-bearer.

March 8

Don’t fret with hopelessness in regard to youth today. Like the examples of youth in Scripture, many are unmoved by cultural lies and uninfluenced by godless adults because they too are in want of truth.

March 9

A moment yielded to temptation can bring a lifetime of guilt. Satan’s work is to tempt us, but he and a thousand demons can not force us to yield, that is an action entirely our own.

March 10

However great a struggle may be, we have victory through faith because our Lord withstood like temptations. Let’s stop elevating the struggle and start trusting in the Savior.

March 11

There will be a time when those who are in Christ will put on immortality and remain forever in Christ. There will also come a time when those who have rejected Christ will have eternally rejected Christ.

March 12

The law of God is written on the heart of those who follow Christ, but we do not refer to them to avoid murdering. They are in our heart, our love for God and others doesn’t allow for murder to cross our mind.

March 13

The Bride of Christ will be robed with the righteousness of Christ, not through self attainment, but through faith in His righteousness imparted to us.

March 14

Jesus has been made known to us as God’s Son because He is the perfect revelation of God. It is in contemplating the life of Christ that we see the true character of God, which is love, mercy, and compassion.

March 15

Now is the time to be ready for the return of Jesus. If you do not know Him now, why would you think you’ll know Him then? There will be no introductions on that day, because that’s why He came the first time.

March 16

Some make climbing the ranks of church offices equal with discipleship, but it is not. Your position in the local church will not advance your faith, but your place at the feet of Jesus will.

March 17

Christian character growth is an ongoing process. Daily and intentional should be our advancement in Christ likeness through the Holy Spirit and meditation on His Word.

March 18

Many have an intellectual understanding of Christianity but not a trusted faith. To them Jesus is a theory that has not been tested, so it will be no surprise when judgement is pronounced “I never knew you.”

March 19

Jesus is the Great Physician and we are to be compliant patients obedient to his prescription of repentance, exercise of faith, and trust in His grace.

March 20

Salvation is a gift that can not be earned, but its value compels us to pay whatever cost necessary to possess it.

March 21

Satan presents the ways of the world as most pleasurable, and to separate yourself from it as a great mistake. However, you will lose out on nothing but hell by not participating in his lies.

March 22

Our top priority in life ought to be seeking the kingdom of God. We do that by choosing what’s right over what’s easiest and by reminding ourselves that we are citizens of Heaven and not slaves to earth.

March 23

Becoming a Christian is not to modify or improve upon the old you, it is to be born again through faith. It is to be transformed in nature. It is to love the things you once hated and hate the things you once loved.

March 24

Seek the Lord with all your heart as did Jacob in wrestling prayer. When you have a sincere sense of earnestness, agonizing with the reality that without God’s grace you perish, you will have His victory.

March 25

The Bible gives the correct understanding of our times. Those in authority may present their solutions for our peace and safety, but the Blessed Hope is our only hope.

March 26

Every day brings more news of strife, lawlessness, brutal violence, indifference to common sense, and destruction of innocent life. God is merciful, but such persistence of evil will be met with His just wrath.

March 27

The time of waiting for our Lord’s return may seem long and our discouraging circumstances may be oppressive, but remain confident in His promise. The Lord is coming soon!

March 28

In our darkest hour, we can keep our heart and mind fixed on the Lord Jesus by clinging tightly to the promises of Scripture for they are our constant source of hope and peace.

March 29

Our society is not friendly with righteousness. We live in an increasingly evil age, yet we can be in harmony with heaven through Jesus Christ as we daily walk with Him by prayer and meditation upon His word.

March 30

Too many men are like putty when it comes to their character. But their weakness of heart, indecision, and fear to commitment will transform into strength, purpose, and resolve if they would humble themselves at the Savior’s cross.

March 31

God has set a boundary that Satan can not pass, and it is your faith. Have faith in Jesus Christ and hold tightly to Him through prayer. Let the promises of the Bible be your barrier of protection.


Sentence Sermons

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